Sunday, March 27, 2011

3 Animations of The Developed Buildings

This is the video of the detailed parts of my buildings, I try to take the view go through all the stairs .

This is the section video og my buildings

This the video of the overview of my building

Developed Sketchup Model- Final

Final Model with high resolutions 1

Final Model with high resolutions 2






Studio for Malangi- Lower part

Studio for Mueck- upper part

Textures using in the building

 This is the texture of Mueck's studio

This is the texture of the Gallery

This is the tecture of the studio for Malangi.

Sketch based on.

Concept Explaination:
upper is blooming
lower is the seed.
the developed model do got a big difference between the original sketch, but the concept do influnced my building a lot, the shape of the Gallery is the blooming flower

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 3 Stairs


Rose Stairs overview

Rose Stairs 2

Rose Stairs 3

Link stairs between the ground floor and lower floor

Suspension Stairs 1

Suspension Stairs 2

Normal Stairs

Week 4 Textures Sketches

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

18 sketches and 3D modles

18 Sketches

3D Modles

This is the sketch I picked be based on the 3D drawing
Upper: Stairs
Lower: Blocks