Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ARCH1201//PROJECT 2// Villa Muller Analysis

The three aspects I chosen to Analyse are 'Circulation','Public and private space' and 'Materiality' puls a abstract study of Loos' Ruamplan.

I found the contrsat inside this building is quite interesting. For circulation, how Loos seperate both entrance and circulation for servants and hosts traditionaly is what I focus on, and I did a main circulation study in unfolded plan and section. For private and public spaces, how public rooms can view through each other is the thing caught my eyes on, also I studied the main hall and the only private sapce placed on public level which is boudoir in particularly. For Materiality, I studied the dramatic contrast between the pure white facades and the various coloured interior , and how the dark coloured man's library distinguished from the light coloured woman's boudoir, also how Loos change the material for furniture from outside to inside gradually. For abstract study, I picked Loos' most famous Raumplan to study by comparing it with a normal four-floors plan.

Villa Muller Analysis// Circulation Set

The Analysis of how people approching the building and the unique entrance with a couch(compared with the normal un-welcoming servant entrance in oral presentation), and how the main staircase works.

The Private/service staircase

Villa Muller Analysis// Public and private set

In this model, I cut the raised ground floor in 10 sections to show the connection between each public spaces, I used transparent film to show private/nightzone spaces to make a contrast with the translucent public places.

 The Contrast Beweent Nightzone and Dayzone as Loos did in the previous Moller House, Vienna.
 The intresting thing about public place is how can views be open for example, people sitting in dining room can look into the main hall.

Showing the view-blocked private places.

The contrast of volumn between main hall and boudoir by usage.

How woman sitting in the Boudoir can view through into the main hall an know what happen.

Villa Muller Analysis// Materiality Set

Villa Muller Analysis// Abstract study set

 Unfolded Raumplan

Ruamplan in comparison with a normal four-floors plan