Thursday, August 9, 2012

Final// Arch1202 Design Studio 4// Project 1// Project Parramatta Analysis

The first project was composed by majorly two parts which are site anaalysis of Parramatta city and the stage design based on the movie West Side story and refer back to the conceptial ideas took out from Parramatta city analysis.

In the analysis stage we did research on Parramatta by reading the council documentaries and teh book Visulazation Power. The approaching of this analysis is set out by urbanization, historical, topographical and environmental aspects.

Group poster @A1

On the Concerntina book, I try to illustrate the city both from a top view of the whole city, the George Street are and the Town hall piazzar scale down gradually. Meanwhile I did a series perspective sketches along George street as this street was emphasized as the cultral expand grid in Parramatta with historial meanings. Moreove, I looked at the perdestrian lane in the density urban area as though these lanes exist but citizens seldomly use it.
 The top view of the large city area
 Site location in a relationship within the whole Sydney area and figure ground
 Top view of George Street area
 Top view of Town Hall piazzar and perspective sketches of the Town hall building and St. John church
 Figure grounds of the city area and lanes
 perspectives on George Street from Westfield to St.Peter Church
 Perspective along George Street from the bridge to Prince Alfred Park
 Perspective of Philip street and long River Bank

 Move to the stage design part, we treated Parramatta as a site includes basicly three elements which are water, bridge and religion. Thus we come out the idea of the garden like design. We also did some case studies on Carlo Scarpa's works as his stairs were amazingly communicate well with the open spaces.

 Stage plan and elevations

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